A website for families in Rochester, MN

Advertise on Rochesterfamilies

ROCHESTERfamilies.com is Rochester’s online source of kid and family information. This locally owned website provides detailed information on family- and kid-friendly events, activities, classes, organizations, and resources right here in Rochester. It also includes an online weekly newsletter as well as a printable online calendar of local family-friendly events – more than 150 events each month!

When your business joins the ROCHESTERfamilies.com Family of Sponsors it is one of no more than 12 local sponsors – our “family of sponsors.” By intentionally limiting the number of sponsors we allow for three things:

• With only 12 sponsors, there are never two competing businesses. That is, there will only be one bank, one grocery store, one car dealer, etc. “Your business will always be one of a kind!”
• With only 12 sponsors we are able to appropriately recognize your business. Each sponsor’s logo/link is highlighted on every page of the website and is also showcased on the “Family of Sponsors” webpage (a page dedicated to recognizing and thanking our sponsors). Sponsors are also featured in the weekly online newsletter.
• With only 12 sponsors, who commit to a year of advertising, this allows for more time to be spent working on newsletter and website content (rather than time spent securing new sponsors!).

“Trust me, the word will be out (about ROCHESTERfamilies.com)!  As you yourself know, Moms really can pass along a good thing…..” (Molly, mother of 2)

Rochester moms (and dads) really can pass along a good thing. Become a ROCHESTERfamilies.com sponsor and let your business be that “good thing.” When you become a ROCHESTERfamilies.com sponsor, you will:

• Target your message to Rochester families.
• Communicate your business’s commitment to Rochester families.
• Foster a lasting business/customer relationship with Rochester families.

ROCHESTERfamilies.com offers a yearlong sponsor rate of $50/month. To sponsor contact Rachel Johnson at Rachjson@rochestrfamils.com or 507-685-1482.


ROCHESTERfamilies.com's Family Of Sponsors